Approved August 2022
Section A.
The name of the Club shall be the Northern California Leonberger Club (NCLC). The Club shall include the geographic region defined as follows: northern California (from the Oregon border south to Bakersfield, CA) and the state of Nevada. California counties NOT included in the NCLC geographic region include: San Luis Obispo, Kern, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, and Imperial.
Section B.
The purpose of the NCLC shall be:
1. To encourage, promote and organize activities involving Leonbergers in the region;
2. To foster education regarding the Leonberger breed and responsible dog ownership;
3. To promote, uphold, and comply with the policies of the Leonberger Club of America (LCA), written or otherwise;
4. To encourage sportsmanlike competition at shows, performance trials and other events; and
5. To facilitate socialization among Club members and their dogs.
Section C.
The NCLC shall not be operated for profit. No part of any funds from dues, fees, or donations to the NCLC shall inure to the benefit of any member or individual. Nor shall the NCLC endorse any privately produced activity, product, or publication.
Section D.
Membership in the NCLC shall be comprised of LCA members in good standing who reside within the geographic region of the NCLC and who have submitted an application for membership in the Club accompanied by payment of annual membership dues.
Section E.
The members of the NCLC shall adopt, and may from time to time revise, such By-Laws as may be required to carry out these purposes and applicable laws. No part of the Club’s Constitution or By-Laws shall be construed in a manner that conflicts with the rules or policies of the LCA.
Section F.
The NCLC shall be operated in affiliation with the LCA. However, the NCLC shall hold the LCA harmless for all acts or omissions of the LCA, its members, volunteers, officers or Board of Directors, whether those acts are intentional or unintentional.
Section G.
The NCLC shall be responsible for raising funds necessary to achieve its purposes, and shall not seek or accept funds from the LCA unless such funds are in conjunction with a LCA-sponsored event.
Section 1.
Eligibility is limited to LCA members in good standing who reside within the geographic region specified in the NCLC Constitution and who are current on all membership dues. The membership structure shall comply with the LCA By-laws, Article I, Section 1.
Section 2.
Dues shall be determined by a vote of the membership at the annual meeting, but shall in no event exceed the annual dues charged by the LCA.
Section 1.
The annual meeting of the Club shall be held not longer than 18 months and not sooner than 6 months after the date of the last annual meeting. The meeting shall be held concurrently with the annual Club specialty show at a place, date, and time specified by the Board of Directors.
Section 2.
Written notice shall be sent via post or e-mail to all members in good standing at least 21 days prior to the date of the annual specialty and meeting.
Section 3.
The quorum for the annual meeting shall be ten percent (10%) of the membership.
Section 4.
Special Club meetings may be called by the president. Written notice shall be sent via post or e-mail to all members in good standing 21 days prior to the special meeting. The Board shall determine the time and location for special meetings.
Section 5.
After the annual meeting, the Board shall meet. Other meetings of the Board shall be held as designated by the president. Reasonable notice shall be provided to all Board members of such meetings. At least three (3) of the five (5) Board members must be present for a quorum. A board member who refuses to attend a duly called meeting upon reasonable notice may be replaced by a vote of the remaining Board members. Upon replacement of the non-complying Board member, the meeting of the Board may proceed. Board meetings may be held via e-mail exchange among Board members.
Section 1. Board of Directors
The Board shall be comprised of five (5) members who reside within the geographic region specified in the NCLC Constitution. The term of all Board members shall expire at the conclusion of the annual meeting. Nominations for the Board members shall be taken at the annual meeting, immediately followed by a vote of the members in good standing. The purpose of the Board shall be to set policy for the Club consistent with the purposes of the Club. All policies must conform to the rules and policies of the LCA. Vacancies shall be filled by vote of the remaining Board members. The term of any replacement Board member shall expire at the next annual meeting.
Section 2. Officers
There shall be three (3) officers, as follows: President, Secretary and Treasurer. The officers shall be elected by the Board from the membership of the Board during the Board meeting after the annual meeting. The President shall be the chief executive officer responsible for administering the policies of the Club and assuring that the annual meeting and specialty occurs. The President shall also make an annual report of the Club’s activities and finances to the vice-president of the LCA. The Secretary shall take minutes of all Club meetings and shall handle Club correspondence and show/ meeting notices. The Treasurer shall handle all financial transactions including collection of dues and show entry fees, payment of bills, as well as the payment of the annual fee to the LCA Treasury. The Treasurer shall maintain a separate checking account for Club funds and maintain a ledger of income and expenses. Club funds may not be mingled with personal funds of any person. The Board may inspect Club financial records upon request. Vacancies shall be filled pursuant to Article. C, Section 1, above.
Section 1.
Members in good standing may vote at Club meetings. Ten percent (10%) of the membership shall constitute a quorum. Voting by proxy is not permitted. Electronic voting/voting by e-mail will be permitted. A simple majority shall prevail.
Section 2.
Nominations for Board members shall be taken and voted upon pursuant to Article C, Section 1, above. The Treasurer shall verify payment of dues and stated residency of any nominee.
There shall be no standing committees, however, the president may appoint volunteers to assist with organizing Club events.
The Club may be voluntarily dissolved at any time by majority vote of the members at a meeting. In the event of dissolution, whether voluntary or otherwise, none of the property or assets of the Club shall be distributed to any Club members., but after meeting all financial obligations, any remaining property or assets shall be tendered to a dog- related charity.
At all meetings of the Club or the Board, the order of business should be as follows:
Roll Call
Minutes of the last meeting
Officers' reports
Unfinished business
New business
(including election of Board members at the annual general meeting and officers of the Board following the general meeting)
The Northern California Leonberger Club (NCLC) shall indemnify and hold harmless any director, officer or member of the NCLC and his or her heirs and personal representatives for any expenses actually and necessarily incurred by him/her, or any judgment levied or settlement made, in connection with any action, suit or proceeding in which he/she is a party by reason of being or have been a director, officer or member of the NCLC. Such right of indemnification shall not apply to any action, suit or proceeding in which such director, officer or member adjudged liable for gross negligence or misconduct in the performance of his/her duties as director, officer or member of the NCLC. In the absence of any adjudication that expressly absolves any director, officer or member of liability of gross negligence or misconduct in the performance of his/her duty in any action, suit or proceeding, the NCLC shall grant the indemnification provided herein upon receipt of a written opinion of an independent counsel selected by the NCLC, who shall not be an attorney at law regularly employed by the NCLC to the effect that the director, officer or member concerned is not legally liable for gross negligence or misconduct in the performance of his/her duty with respect to the particular instance for which the indemnification is sought.
Approved and Adopted 8/12/2022